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6 key benefits of red light therapy in the elderly

Red light therapy is becoming increasingly well known among the younger generation. But did you know that it can be just as effective for older people? Light therapy for the elderly can offer special benefits for overall quality of life. Want to know why? Then read on quickly.

rood licht therapie ouderen vrouwen in de spiegel

What is red light therapy good for?

In this form of light therapy, red laser light is used to support the body. This could be, for example, in the recovery from an illness or to reduce certain symptoms. Here, in brief, is what the therapy of this red light can do:

  • Stimulate cell renewal;
  • Improve blood flow;
  • Help with pain conditions;
  • Treat inflammation;
  • Reduce stiffness.

For the elderly, it can be particularly useful in relieving joint pain, such as arthritis. It can also improve skin quality and make muscle recovery go faster. It is a way to strengthen the immune system, making you less susceptible to viruses. It is also possible to get more energy and sleep better. Thus, it is possible to maintain vitality in later life.

What do doctors say about red light?

Red light therapy is increasingly used in the medical world. It is scientifically researched and substantiated. Nowadays, it can also be used from home. Here, you can use both a topical laser to treat a specific complaint and intranasal laser therapy, such as this one from IN-light.

Rood licht therapie ouderen

The benefits of red light therapy in the elderly

There are different forms of red light therapy. To get or maintain optimal overall wellbeing, intranasal laser therapy is very important. We talk about the benefits of laser therapy through the nose.

1. Better blood flow

The red light stimulates blood circulation. This can help improve oxygen supply and transport of nutrients. This has many benefits, including boosting vitality and recovering from fatigue, for example.

2. Mental support

Red light can help improve various cognitive functions. It supports improving memory, promoting focus and provides greater mental clarity.

3. Pain relief

Red light therapy promotes cellular repair. This can provide relief for chronic pain, for example, and symptoms such as headaches or nerve pain. In addition, it also reduces inflammation.

4. Better sleep quality

This form of light therapy can stimulate the production of melatonin. This makes it easier to get into a better sleep pattern. This is especially important for elderly people who are dealing with sleep problems.

5. Supporting the immune system

Red light can strengthen the immune system. This is essential to prevent disease and ensure you are less susceptible to viruses.

6. Benefits for cardiovascular health

The intranasal laser light stimulates blood vessels and can help boost blood pressure. This can help reduce cardiovascular risks.

Vrouw met rood licht therapie laser in de neus aan tafel

Het intranasale laserlicht stimuleert de bloedvaten en kan de bloeddruk helpen verhogen. Dit kan helpen om cardiovasculaire risico's te verminderen.

The red light of intranasal laser therapy works through the mucous membranes in the nose. In this way, the light can penetrate the body, directly stimulating blood vessels and nearby nerves. This improves blood flow, increases energy production and can reduce inflammation. Intranasal red light therapy is scientifically proven.

Rood licht therapie laserlampje IN-light laser

Intranasal red light therapy from IN-light

With the IN-light laser, it is possible to treat yourself. This way, you can work on your health in a natural and safe way. To become healthier, or to maintain your health.

Treat yourself whenever and wherever you want

IN-light's intranasal laser can be used anywhere. While reading the newspaper, on the road or sitting on the couch. The big advantage: you don't have to take time off to work on your health!