
IN-light for type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes can have a major impact on your daily life. Many people experience symptoms such as fatigue, inflammation, blood sugar fluctuations and more. With IN-light red light therapy, it is possible to alleviate these symptoms and improve your overall well-being. Below, you can read all about what IN-light can do for you, including scientific details and a treatment protocol.

What can IN-light mean for type 2 diabetes?

IN-light red light therapy is a non-invasive therapy. With IN-light red light therapy, we offer a way to address the symptoms of diabetes. This therapy uses low-level laser light to stimulate cells and promote healing. The IN-light laser uses an intranasal application, whereby red light therapy is administered through the nose to reach the blood via the nasal mucosa. In this way, the entire body is positively influenced by the red light. This is what the IN-light laser can do for type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes:

1. Promoting glucose metabolism

The red light stimulates the mitochondria. This allows the cells to process glucose more efficiently, which contributes to better blood glucose regulation.

2. Reducing inflammation

Red light therapy can reduce chronic inflammation. This is a major problem in type 2 diabetes.

3. Improving insulin sensitivity

By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, the cells can respond better to insulin.

4. Increasing microcirculation

This can help repair damaged tissue, for example in peripheral areas such as the feet.

In summary: intranasal light therapy, light therapy administered through the nose, can help to keep the body in better balance, improve the properties of the blood and stimulate blood flow in small blood vessels. This has a direct effect on diabetes and the associated symptoms.

By regularly stimulating the immune system and the body's natural balance, this therapy can not only help prevent diabetes, but also improve other problems caused by diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease.

Rood licht therapie laserlampje IN-light laser

Benefits of IN-light red light therapy for type 2 diabetes

In addition to the above benefits, the IN-light laser can do even more for you if you have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes.

There are also more additional benefits, such as improvement in peripheral neuropathy and retinopathy.

  • Reduced cell saccharification;
  • Improved circulation;
  • Stable blood sugar levels;
  • Lower risk of hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia;
  • Prevent or reduce medication;
  • Prevent or reduce insulin injections;
  • Improvement in peripheral neuropathy and retinopathy.
  • Restore feeling in limbs;
  • Better cholesterol levels;
  • Faster recovery;
  • More energy;
  • Stronger immune system.

The consequences of diabetes

If pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes is not properly addressed, the consequences can negatively affect quality of life. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which there is usually too much glucose in the blood. This happens when insulin production is insufficient or when the cells do not respond properly to insulin. Type 1 and 2 diabetes involve high blood sugar levels. When this is the case for a long period of time, problems can arise with:

  • Feet;
  • Nerves;
  • Eyes;
  • Stomach and intestines;
  • Heart and blood vessels;
  • Kidneys;
  • Brain;
  • Hormones;
  • Fatigue.

How do I treat diabetes with IN-light?

How often

How long

Treatment period

Once or twice a day
30 minutes
As long as necessary. We recommend that you continue using IN-light, as it can also offer other health benefits.

Vrouw met rood licht therapie laser in de neus aan tafel

Why does red light therapy work for type 2 diabetes?

From a scientific perspective, the red laser light activates a number of biological mechanisms. This can ultimately lead to improved cell and tissue functions.

Scientific studies have shown that intranasal laser therapy improves systemic homeostasis, blood properties, the immune system and microcirculation. These improvements have a direct positive influence on diabetic conditions and symptoms. However, the effects go even further than this.

Mechanisms behind the effect of red light therapy for diabetes

From published evidence, various theories can be derived about the mechanisms behind this form of light therapy for diabetes.

1. Homeostasis

Diabetes is a case of an imbalance in homeostasis. In this case, it is the blood sugar level. There are convincing arguments that support intranasal light therapy as a credible source for stimulating systemic homeostasis.

2. Improve the factors that cause red blood cell aggregation

It has been known for decades that the aggregation of red blood cells, also known as RBCs, is elevated in the blood of diabetes patients. Intranasal red light therapy is able to eliminate the causes of this.

3. Improving the blood flow dynamics in the circulatory system

Many diabetes complications are the result of damage to the microcirculation system. There is evidence that manipulating the microvascular haemodynamics with low level laser therapy has therapeutic potential.

4. Release of nitric oxide (NO) by a red light

A study by Corbett et al. shows that nitric oxide plays a role in diabetes. It also aids in the release of insulin. Several studies support the expectation that red light stimulates the release of nitric oxide.

5. Light therapy inhibits melatonin production

Type 2 diabetes develops when cells change, preventing insulin from properly binding to them. Researcher Makela describes in a report how diabetes and its associated complications develop. An important factor that worsens diabetes is the increased production of the enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO). Light therapy with a wavelength of approximately 660 nm (as with intranasal light therapy) inhibits the production of MPO, which can lead to an improvement in diabetes and its symptoms.

6. Light therapy stimulates the release of SOD

Diabetes is characterised by too much oxidative stress and toxins in the body. Light therapy stimulates macrophages (a type of white blood cell) to release the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which helps to combat oxidative stress and thus improves diabetes. In addition, this therapy regulates the functioning of cytochrome P450 (an enzyme that breaks down toxins) and other substances, which helps keep blood sugar levels under better control and breaks down harmful substances (AGEs). This helps prevent complications from diabetes. SOD plays an important role in improving diabetes.

Experiences of users with diabetes

‘After using the laser for a few months, my sugar levels have returned to normal. I have now even been able to stop taking all my medication. In June 2018, my doctor told me that I have type 2 diabetes. Given my age and the future prospects that diabetes entails, this was not good news. Something had to be done. Fortunately, I came into contact with someone who knew about intranasal laser therapy. I started a month later. I also started exercising more intensively and eating healthier. After a few months of using the laser, my sugar levels have normalised again. I am now even completely off medication. This has been going well for months. So that's great!’

Man (39)

Type 2 diabetes

‘Six months ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, with a fasting glucose level of 10.5. Because of my excess weight and high blood pressure, I had a choice: medication or trying to lose weight. I chose the latter, but exercise was difficult. After walking 500 metres, I suffered from muscle pain and fatigue for days. My physiotherapist recommended IN-light to support my recovery and to build up my fitness more quickly. After two months, I lost weight and was able to move more easily. Now I can walk 6 km without any problems! After four months, my HbA1c dropped to 7.0 and I may not need medication. IN-light has helped me enormously!’

Female (58)

Type 2 diabetes

‘I have had mastocytosis for 24 years, and in recent years I have also developed COPD, type 2 diabetes, an underactive thyroid, rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and high blood pressure. Before I started using the laser, I had trouble keeping my blood sugar level under control. Thanks to the laser, I am doing fine. I also had severe arthritis, according to the rheumatologist. So I started using the laser and CBD oil 10% as well. Shortly after starting the laser, I went for blood tests for all my ailments. The rheumatologist was amazed that the inflammation had completely disappeared. The pain had also gone, except for one finger. I am still not taking any medication and I don't have to go back for a check-up for another year! My blood sugar level has also remained stable since I started using the laser. I am almost 80 years old and I still feel great. Fantastic.’

Mr Banis (79)

Type 2 diabetes and COPD

‘Due to poor circulation in my extremities, especially my legs, I had lost all feeling in my feet and developed a deformity. The well-known diabetic foot. The lack of feeling in my feet meant I was no longer able to play music, my biggest hobby. I also had the feeling of cramps in my legs all day long, which also meant I slept poorly. In the summer of 2017, I was introduced to laser therapy and I am so enthusiastic about it! Thanks to the laser, the cramps in my legs have completely disappeared and I am sleeping better too. Because the feeling in my feet has returned (!), I found out that there was a deformity in my feet. This was caused by the fact that I could not feel whether the arch supports were wrong. These have now been adjusted and walking is a lot better. The deformity has also been surgically corrected. Thanks to the laser, I can make my music again and my life has become a lot more pleasant! I can garden again without having to ask my children for help. I really recommend this to every diabetes patient!’

Man (68)

Type 2 diabetes

‘It works! My blood sugar levels are normal thanks to the laser!
I didn't use the laser device for about two months due to holidays and other things. When I used the laser, my sugar levels were below 6. In the period that I did not use it, the sugar levels slowly rose again above 6, even occasionally above 7. I have been using the laser device again for a few weeks now and am firmly below 6 again! This morning it was even 5.4, so it works! I will keep going! Super.’

Eep Boonstra

Type 2 diabetes

‘I have been using the nasal laser for a while now because I wanted to feel fitter. And it is working very well. I am very satisfied with it and use the laser daily, at home, at work or in the car. A year ago I had my blood tested and it showed that my blood sugar level was too high. I was on the verge of having to take medication for diabetes and on doctor's advice I had to monitor my levels to prevent health risks in the future. That is why I recently had another blood test. And as it turns out, my sugar levels are very good and the risk of diabetes and all the associated complaints is now a thing of the past! In short, I am very happy that I use the laser, not only because I feel fitter, but especially because I stay healthy through this natural application. I am very happy with it and recommend everyone to use this method to stay healthy.’

Ronald (52)

Increased sugar

‘I have had type 2 diabetes for many years. After reading about the laser method and its positive effects on blood values and the reduction of all additional symptoms caused by diabetes, I started using the nasal laser a month ago. I am already noticing improvements. I perspire much less during sleep and my chronic shoulder pain has also disappeared. I am already grateful for this! I also notice that my glucose levels have become more stable. Soon I will consult with my doctor to determine if the medication can already be reduced. And that is to be expected.

** Update after 2 months of use **

It really works! My vision is better, my sugar levels are lower and I no longer suffer from chronic tendonitis! I'm going to keep at it for the next two months.’

Diane (49, France)

Type 2 diabetes

‘I started using the laser clip via the medical advisor IN-light. I was told that users report that the medication can reduce and that it has a positive effect on blood flow, glucose levels and my energy. And that's true! I use insulin for a long time and take glimepiride to keep my blood sugar level low. I regularly measure my glucose levels at home using a finger prick test and I am under the supervision of my doctor. I started using the laser in July 2017, on average once a day. The results are surprising. After one month, I was already able to halve the glimepiride in consultation with my doctor. I currently no longer use glimepiride at all. Thanks to the laser, my average glucose levels now remain structurally between 4 and 7 mmol per litre. So despite taking less medication, my blood glucose levels are more stable. This minimises the risk of hyperglycaemia. It just makes me feel better!’

Man (73)

Type 2 diabetes

After years of complaints and ailments, I finally received my diagnosis in 2012 after extensive research. I have Ehles-Danlos syndrome, type 3. My form of hypermobility caused me a lot of pain, I was always tired and I saw everything in 2D. My sense of smell was also very poor. The specialist told me that all of these symptoms are related. Nothing has helped until now.

I have now been using the laser at home for 9 months and I am very happy with this form of treatment! Since then I can see properly again (3D), I can smell properly again and I am much fitter. The pain has not gone away yet, but the results are good! Moreover, the illness made me increasingly depressed and that has improved a lot. So it's all improvements, while before nothing could help me. I was also diagnosed with diabetes. Thanks to the combination of medication and the laser, I only need to take a quarter of the medication I was prescribed, simply because the laser has improved my blood values! My doctor is also impressed! As you can imagine, I am very happy with this treatment!

Alfons Waanders, EDS type 3

EDS type 3

What a surprising effect! Medication halved after just a few weeks!

I heard about the laser device through the grapevine. It promised to improve the blood and since I have had type 2 diabetes for years, I became interested. So I have been using the nose clip for a number of weeks now. I measure my blood values regularly, so the effect is clearly measurable for me. Until recently, I was taking 1000 mg of Metformin to keep my blood sugar level as close to normal as possible. To my great surprise, after 4 weeks and in consultation with my doctor, I was able to halve my medication to 500 mg. I also feel fitter and suffer less from acidification. I am very curious to see if I can completely get rid of my medication in the near future!

Update after 2 months:
‘Had a diabetes consultation this morning and the medication has been reduced to zero. A break for three months until the next consultation.’

Man (56)

Type 2 diabetes

Frequently asked questions for type 2 diabetes

What does science say?

The essence of red light therapy is that it leads to photobiomodulation, also known as ‘energising living systems’. In scientific literature, many effects such as biostimulation, tissue regeneration, antimicrobial effect, strengthening of the immune system, anti-inflammation and pain relief have been extensively researched and documented. Laser light is able to stimulate the biological functions of virtually all cells, tissues and systems and provide them with vital energy. It stimulates the body's self-healing capacity, and with it, your life.

Sugarisation of the cells

The saccharification of cells is a problem for everyone. HbA1c, haemoglobin A1c or glycated haemoglobin is a form of haemoglobin that is formed by the saccharification of the α chain of the haemoglobin molecule. In the bloodstream, a glucose molecule (non-enzymatic) binds to the N-terminal amino acid of the β-chain of haemoglobin.

This means that the glucose molecule binds to the haemoglobin molecule in the red blood cell. This creates a sugar coating around the haemoglobin molecule.

The result is that the red blood cell's absorption capacity is reduced. The flexibility and deformability of the red blood cell is reduced, preventing it from entering the small capillaries. The viscosity also decreases and the blood becomes more viscous. This also increases the heart's workload. The blood flow to organs and extremities decreases (including in diabetes mellitus), including to the pancreas. The pancreas is responsible for insulin production. This means that the organs receive fewer nutrients and oxygen, causing them to function less well or not at all. This is why the pancreas produces less insulin.

Scientific studies


The IN-light Pro is a high-quality wellness product. All products in this category are intended for daily use to support general health. The IN-light Pro does not make direct medical claims because the methodology of red light therapy focuses on the entire body. It is therefore not a treatment for a specific medical condition. The basis for health products is their ability to provide a general well-being benefit or health benefit. A general health benefit is a health-related benefit that is not a treatment for a specific medical condition.