Photobiomodulation is a proven method used in healthcare worldwide. Research shows that using this laser light reduces inflammation, improves blood flow and activates mitochondria.
The core of red light therapy is that it leads to photobiomodulation, aka ‘energising living systems’. In the scientific literature, many effects such as biostimulation, tissue regeneration, ‘antimicrobial effect’, immune system strengthening, anti-inflammation and pain relief have been very extensively researched and documented. Laser light is capable of stimulating and providing vital energy to the biological functions of virtually all cells, tissues and systems. It stimulates the body's self-healing ability, and thus your life.
When talking about PEM, the finding based on scientific research by researchers at the Amsterdam UMC and Vrije Universiteit is particularly important, where it has been shown that Long Covid has a physical cause. It has also been found to be caused by malfunctioning mitochondria. Links of these news items and the published research can be found below. Outcomes, incidentally, have led to much attention worldwide.