
IN-light for Long Covid

Long Covid can affect your daily life considerably. Most Long Covid patients experience fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath and more. With red light therapy from IN-light, it is possible to remedy these symptoms, giving you a better quality of life again. Below you can read all about what IN-light can do for you, including scientific details as well as a treatment protocol.

What can IN-light do for Long Covid?

With red light therapy from IN-light, we offer an option to address Long Covid symptoms. Symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating and inflammatory symptoms can be treated with the red light. By doing so, you give yourself a chance not to let Long Covid hinder your daily life. Below you can read what red light therapy from IN-light can help with.

1. Less fatigue and brain fog

Many red light therapy users report improved mental clarity. In addition, concentration levels also go up and there is more energy, both mentally and physically. As a result, fatigue due to Long Covid is less likely.

2. No worsening of symptoms after exercise

Exacerbation of symptoms after exercise, also called post-exertional malaise or PEM, can be prevented. Because red light therapy stimulates cellular energy production, patients can handle more physical activities without relapsing.

3. Supporting the immune system

Red light therapy helps balance and strengthen the immune system. This is crucial for Long Covid symptoms, especially for long-term and long-term symptoms.

4. Improving oxygen uptake

Intranasal laser therapy improves oxygen uptake. This also improves your breathing, treating shortness of breath.

These are the main Long Covid complaints that can be treated with red light therapy. In addition, red light therapy can also help with:

  • Reducing inflammation, as the laser light penetrates deep into the tissues;
  • Promoting cell repair and energy building, by stimulating mitochondria;
  • Increasing blood circulation, which helps in oxygen and nutrient transport;
  • Reducing oxidative stress, by reducing the accumulation of free radicals, a major problem in Long Covid;
  • Relieving neurological and respiratory symptoms.
Rood licht therapie laserlampje IN-light laser

Benefits of red light therapy at Long Covid

People who use red light therapy from IN-light at Long Covid notice several benefits and improvements from this treatment. These are key benefits:

  • More energy and less fatigue;
  • Improved breathing and less short of breath;
  • Better sleep;
  • Less brain fog and more mental clarity;
  • More physical energy;
  • Reduction of complaints after exercise;
  • Stronger immune system and less susceptible to viruses.

How do I treat Long Covid with IN-light?

How often

How long

Treatment period

1-2 times a day

30 minutes

As long as needed. We recommend always continuing to use IN-light, as it can also offer other health benefits.

Vrouw met rood licht therapie laser in de neus aan tafel

How does red light therapy for Long Covid work?

Red light therapy is also known in science as photobiomodulation (PBM). PBM with IN-light is a non-invasive therapy that uses low-frequency laser light. With this, it is possible to stimulate cells and promote healing, of Long Covid among others.

The IN-light laser is used through the nose, also called intranasal laser therapy. In this intranasal application, the laser light is passed through the thin mucous membranes of the nose. As a result, the light directly targets the blood and surrounding tissues, positively affecting the entire body as well. This is also known as systemic photobiomodulation. Scientifically, this light activates biological mechanisms that ultimately lead to improved cell and tissue functions.

User experiences with Long Covid

‘After trying several treatments, I thought I would never get better in terms of energy and overstimulation. My occupational therapist recommended the laser to me for Long Covid. I started on a Wednesday afternoon, and the very next Monday I noticed a change! Now, after three weeks of use, I have more energy and am less prone to overstimulation. I can enjoy myself again without struggling.’

Tamara (61)

‘After I had corona, from which I was not even very sick, I kept having symptoms in the form of lack of oxygen in my muscles. I had immediate acidification in my muscles when doing sports, climbing stairs and a bit of ordinary walking. It affected my life because I was adapting to everything. After a few months of using the laser, I can say that I am back there and feeling good. I can pursue my passion, cycling and mountain biking, without pain and with pleasure! The laser worked well and it still does.’

Ester (48)

‘I have already got more energy and I can start smelling smells again. I got Corona and just before that I had pneumonia so that also cut into my energy and tightness and my smell was gone. And now by faithfully using the laser twice every day, I am starting to notice a difference. I am a grateful and satisfied person!’

Carina (53)

‘The best investment I've made since Covid. Can such a small device really have an effect? I was somewhat sceptical at first when buying the nose laser.... Can such a small device really have an effect? I almost didn't dare believe it but thought ‘well, if it doesn't help, it won't hurt’. I can say that it really works fantastic! Immediately after the first session, I felt more energetic, clearer and recharged. I only started a week ago but I can already recommend it to everyone. Regarding all the expensive treatments I have undergone so far, this is by far the best investment I have made and that too for a very accessible amount.’

Claire (39)

‘About 5 weeks ago, I started intranasal laser for my Lung COVID symptoms. And I really notice a difference! There are positive changes. For instance, after 1.5 years, I cooked my own food again for the first time. And considering that I enjoy cooking, that says a lot about my health over the last 1.5 years. I am very happy about it’.


Frequently asked questions for Long Covid

What does science say?

Photobiomodulation is a proven method used in healthcare worldwide. Research shows that using this laser light reduces inflammation, improves blood flow and activates mitochondria.

The core of red light therapy is that it leads to photobiomodulation, aka ‘energising living systems’. In the scientific literature, many effects such as biostimulation, tissue regeneration, ‘antimicrobial effect’, immune system strengthening, anti-inflammation and pain relief have been very extensively researched and documented. Laser light is capable of stimulating and providing vital energy to the biological functions of virtually all cells, tissues and systems. It stimulates the body's self-healing ability, and thus your life.

When talking about PEM, the finding based on scientific research by researchers at the Amsterdam UMC and Vrije Universiteit is particularly important, where it has been shown that Long Covid has a physical cause. It has also been found to be caused by malfunctioning mitochondria. Links of these news items and the published research can be found below. Outcomes, incidentally, have led to much attention worldwide.

Scientific studies


The IN-light Pro is a high-quality wellness product. All products in this category are intended for daily use to support general health. The IN-light Pro makes no direct medical claims, as the methodology of red light therapy focuses on the whole body. As such, it is not a treatment for a specific medical condition. The basis for health products is their ability to deliver a general wellbeing benefit or health benefit. A general health benefit is a health-related benefit that is not a treatment for a specific medical condition.

However, scientific evidence and also users' experiences show that improvements occur when IN-light is used for specific conditions.