
IN-light for athletes

Red light therapy can be a great tool for athletes. It provides more energy, faster recovery, greater stamina and much more! Find out how red light therapy can help you as an athlete or amateur. Includes scientific details and a treatment protocol.

rood licht therapie voor sporters

What can IN-light mean for athletes?

Red light therapy from IN-light can have major benefits for athletes, whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur. This is what the IN-light laser can do for athletes:

  • Faster recovery after training;
  • More stamina;
  • Less muscle pain, inflammation and muscle fatigue;
  • Better oxygen uptake, more muscle strength and reduced acidification;
  • Less physical and mental stress;
  • Reduction of anaemia in athletes;
  • Support of the immune system;
  • Improved breathing;
  • Injury prevention, faster recovery from injuries and increased athletic performance;
  • Stimulation of the body's metabolic functioning.

These are the main reasons why many athletes start using this form of light therapy. Often, a session with the IN-light is even part of their regular training programme, both in the build-up and recovery phases.

The use of low-level laser therapy via the intranasal route is risk-free. Clinical evidence shows that photobiomodulation using the IN-light method is a safe and effective treatment with no adverse effects. And the latter is especially important!

Rood licht therapie laserlampje IN-light laser

Benefits of IN-light red light therapy for athletes

Various scientific studies have been conducted into red light therapy for athletes. Studies of rugby players and cyclists have shown that the use of red light therapy leads to various major benefits. For this study, the athletes had to use red light therapy prior to an exercise test. On the right you can read about the benefits that the research has revealed.


  • Reduction of feelings of fatigue;
  • Improved muscle activity;
  • Faster recovery;
  • Reduction of serum lactate levels.

In addition to this study demonstrating the benefits, it also proves the many practical advantages. For example, there are numerous athletes who use the benefits of IN-light to achieve their athletic goals. Among our users, there are already many athletes who use the IN-light laser for:

  • Faster recovery after training;
  • Less acidification;
  • Better oxygen uptake;
  • Increased stamina.

Red light therapy from IN-light can improve your performance in a healthy and safe way. Without any side effects, with nothing but benefits.

This is how you use IN-light as an athlete

How often

How long

Treatment period

Once or twice a day
30 minutes
As long as necessary. We recommend that you continue using IN-light, as it can also offer other health benefits.

Vrouw met rood licht therapie laser in de neus aan tafel

Why does red light therapy work for athletes?

Red light therapy increases the production of ATP energy in the cells. This gives athletes more energy to perform. This form of light therapy plays an essential role in muscle fatigue, which is a stumbling block for every athlete. Muscle fatigue is the point at which the body loses its ability to generate strength due to an energy shortage in the muscle fibres.

Metabolites also play an important role in athletic performance. These are waste products that result from muscle concentration. They include substances such as potassium, lactic acid and oxidative stress. These metabolites are the cause of the burning sensation in muscles during exercise and contribute to muscle fatigue. Red light therapy reduces the build-up of lactic acid. This is because it inhibits the enzyme that causes this production, LDH, which is also responsible for reducing pyruvate in lactate.

What does it do for you?

Athletes who use IN-light report, among other things:

  • More energy and faster recovery;
  • Less acidification and muscle pain;
  • Faster muscle building;
  • More stamina and better use of oxygen;
  • Improved breathing and less shortness of breath;
  • Better sleep;
  • Better focus;
  • Direct strengthening of the immune system by stimulating the mitochondria in the white blood cells.

Experiences of athletes with IN-light

And top athletes also use the laser with great enthusiasm and good sports results! This athletic lady has achieved good results with injuries and a speedy recovery after exercise with the laser and also uses the nose laser clip for good results during performance and exercise. She says she is very happy with the laser because she sleeps better and deeper and has more energy! More energy, less acidification, faster recovery, better performance. On to the next half marathon!’



‘I was always incredibly tired. My sister-in-law drew my attention to the laser and advised me to start using this wonderful method. Thanks to her tip, I started using the laser method and it works very well for me! Since I have been using the laser, I have more energy, I have not had the flu like many others, and when I did catch a cold, I was already over it after two days. I also benefit from it when exercising. Since I have been using the laser, I can keep going for longer and find it easier.’

Marion Bobbink

Strong immune system and energy

‘Normally, as I trained for the season and my form was improving, my resistance would decrease and I would become prone to inflammation. This in turn would affect my performance. Since I have been using the PBM and the home laser, this situation is a thing of the past. I can now train optimally and thus get into top shape without having to worry about reduced resistance and inflammation. I can therefore perform much better, recover better too, reach my desired top-level sport more easily and really peak when I need to. What's more, because I am doing better physically, I also feel stronger mentally. Which just goes to show that PBM is a very valuable addition to my overall lifestyle in every respect as an athlete.’

Rutger Schellevis


‘Exercise is an important part of my life. I do water polo (training and competitions) and a good amount of cycling on my mountain bike or road bike every week. I also participate in an appealing cycling race every year. I started using the laser out of curiosity. The results are amazing. During interval training, I experience virtually no more acidification after just a few weeks. My endurance has also increased considerably. The more than 20 climbs last year during Limburgs Mooiste (Limburg's Most Beautiful) went without a hitch. And apart from the athletic improvement, I feel even fitter and sharper than I already was.’

Jeroen (53)


‘I was the only person to reach the top of Kilimanjaro without needing oxygen.
I had trained well for it and was also under the supervision of a doctor. Understandable, because climbing Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is no small feat. Not surprising, as we are talking about a mountain almost 6000 metres high. So not everyone reaches the summit. I can already reveal that I did. And that was despite the fact that just before my departure it was discovered that one of my heart valves was not closing properly. There was a good chance that this would cause me problems during the climb. In fact, I was even advised against embarking on the adventure... Through a fellow climber, I came into contact with laser therapy. I was given a small, handy laser device. This would improve my blood flow and thus my oxygen transport. Well, let's just say it worked perfectly. To my own amazement and that of my fellow climbers. Simply by faithfully using the laser device. Without any additional medication. I'll tell you what: I was the only one who reached the top without getting dizzy or having to use the oxygen.’

Mr A. Holkenborg

Preparing to climb Kilimanjaro

Frequently asked questions from athletes

For all questions about use, application, safety and more, look here.

What does science say?

Various studies have been conducted into the effects of red light therapy on athletes. Below you can read about the benefits that these studies have revealed.

1. Increases oxygen uptake

In the blood, oxygen is bound to haemoglobin, abbreviated to HB. HB is trapped in the red blood cells. If more oxygen can be absorbed by the HB, the oxygen transport capacity increases. Red light contributes to better oxygen transport, which ensures better fuel combustion, resulting in better performance.

2. Stimulating the oxygen supply

Oxygen is transported to the muscles via the blood. The muscles contain stored fuel that is needed to perform physical exertion. Sufficient oxygen is needed for the long-term burning of fuel in the muscles. When the oxygen supply increases, the combustion of the fuel in the muscles can increase and better physical exertion can be achieved. The IN-light laser stimulates the red blood cells in such a way that iron can be better retained. This plays an important role in the transport and release of oxygen in the blood.

3. Stimulating red blood cells

The laser light reduces the breakdown of iron from the blood. The red blood cells are stimulated by the red light in such a way that it can retain the iron better.

4. Stimulation of ATP production

The production of energy, also known as ATP, is stimulated. This results in you having more energy.

5. Better disposal of waste and absorption of nutrients

The laser light increases the permeability of the cell membranes. This improves the absorption of nutrients and the release of waste products. This also makes certain nutritional supplements even more effective.

6. Cell regeneration

Faster healing can occur through accelerated tissue regeneration due to the increase in cellular activity and angiogenesis.

7. Reducing inflammation

Red and near-infrared light penetrates deep into the tissues and reduces inflammatory processes by modulating the immune cells.

8. Promoting cell repair and energy production

Red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation or PBM, stimulates the mitochondria. These are also known as the powerhouses of the cell. Stimulating them allows cells to function better and recover faster because more ATP energy becomes available.

9. Increasing blood circulation

Intranasal light therapy, which is laser therapy administered through the nose, promotes microcirculation. This can help with oxygen and nutrient transport.

10. Alleviation of neurological and respiratory complaints

Intranasal PPE can reduce both physical and cognitive symptoms, including fatigue and respiratory problems.

Scientific studies


IN-light stimulates the mitochondria, the energy factories in every cell, which increases energy production. The great thing is that the more you exercise, the more mitochondria are created in your body. And these energy factories also charge you up to maximum power in a completely natural way. Isn't that what you want too? Not by creating more red blood cells, as with doping, but by optimising the red blood cells you already have. You also become less acidic, your circulation improves, there is a positive oxygen effect in the body and you ensure that nutrients are better absorbed in all cells. Who wouldn't want that?


The IN-light Pro is a high-quality wellness product. All products in this category are intended for daily use to support general health. The IN-light Pro does not make any direct medical claims because the methodology of red light therapy focuses on the entire body. It is therefore not a treatment for a specific medical condition. The basis for health products is their ability to provide a general well-being benefit or health benefit. A general health benefit is a health-related benefit that is not a treatment for a specific medical condition.

However, scientific evidence and user experiences show that improvements occur when using IN-light for specific conditions.