
IN-light for fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia literally means ‘pain in connective tissue and muscles’. The symptoms of fibromyalgia are often different complaints that occur at the same time. These include pain, stiffness, sleep disturbances, headaches and intestinal problems. Approximately two out of every hundred adults suffer from this condition, particularly women between the ages of 20 and 60. Here you can read about what red light therapy can do for fibromyalgia, including scientific information and a treatment protocol.


What can IN-light mean for fibromyalgia sufferers?

With red light therapy from IN-light it is possible to treat fibromyalgia and additional symptoms. Below you can read what intranasal light therapy from IN-light can do for you.

1. Pain relief

Red light therapy can reduce pain by modulating neural activity. It can also reduce inflammation in the central nervous system.

2. Reducing inflammation

Photobiomodulation can reduce inflammatory markers. This is beneficial for fibromyalgia patients, as they often suffer from systemic inflammation.

3. Improving mitochondrial function

PBM stimulates the mitochondria in the cells. This can help reduce fatigue and improve energy levels in fibromyalgia patients.

4. Improving sleep quality and cognitive functions

Red light therapy can improve brain function and reduce sleep problems. This often occurs with fibromyalgia.

Rood licht therapie laserlampje IN-light laser

Benefits of IN-light red light therapy for fibromyalgia

These are the noticeable benefits that red light therapy from IN-light can offer:

  • More energy and faster recovery;
  • Less acidification and muscle pain;
  • More stamina and better oxygen utilisation;
  • Better sleep;
  • More focus;
  • Strengthening of the immune system by stimulating the mitochondria.

How do I treat fibromyalgia with IN-light?

How often

How long

Treatment period

Once or twice a day

30 minutes

As long as necessary. We recommend that you continue using IN-light, as it can also offer other health benefits.

Vrouw met rood licht therapie laser in de neus aan tafel

Why does red light therapy work for fibromyalgia?

Red light therapy has many benefits for the body. This is what this form of light therapy can do specifically for fibromyalgia sufferers:

  • Increase in total circulation, endorphin production and oxygen transport;
  • Improvement of serotonin ratio in blood and brain;
  • Increase in resistance;
  • Stimulation of DNA replication and cell division, resulting in faster healing;
  • Stimulation of nerve cell activity and proper organ function;
  • Increasing the permeability of cell membranes for better nutrient and waste exchange;
  • Charging the mitochondria;
  • Reducing inflammation, pain and muscle cramps.

In addition, the substance endorphin is also released. This reduces pain, making people feel more comfortable. Red light therapy also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Healing can also occur, due to accelerated tissue regeneration through the increase in cellular activity and the formation of new blood vessels.

Experiences of fibromyalgia sufferers

‘In 2013, at the age of 22, I developed chronic pain after breaking my ankle. I had already been suffering from recurring back and muscle pain, which was getting worse and worse. At the age of 25, I was taking a lot of medication, but the pain persisted and the side effects sapped my energy. I heard about the laser technique from my mother. I was sceptical, but decided to give it a try. The laser has changed my life. I can now deal with fibromyalgia without medication, have more energy, sleep better and have even lost weight.’

Kalyani Temmink (26 - UK)


‘For years I have suffered from what is said to be fibromyalgia. I have taken my symptoms to the doctor and the rheumatologist. They have taken photos of my limbs and an MRI scan... But no one has been able to tell me what is really wrong with me. And then it is labelled fibromyalgia.

In February of this year, the symptoms worsened. I have no idea whether it was due to overwork – I was working more and studying hard. The fact was that I was lying awake every night in pain. And partly because of that, I was not doing very well during the day either.

A few weeks ago, I started using PBM, with the home laser. I came into contact with it through a friend. Should I tell you something?! I could never go into town for a few hours in the past, but last week I went shopping in Utrecht with my daughters for the whole day. Don't get me wrong, I did suffer a little the following night because of the effort, but it's nothing compared to the pain I was used to.

I was sceptical, I'll be honest, about the home laser. Not surprising really, when you've been dealing with complaints for so long that no one can really get to the bottom of. But I'm a convert. My quality of life has improved by leaps and bounds thanks to the home laser. I can handle more, I have a more positive outlook on life. Yes, I'm secretly already thinking about starting to exercise carefully again."

I. Niemeijer


‘I was told to just accept my fibromyalgia. Learn to live with it, that was pretty much the treatment I was prescribed. And now? Now I still live with it. But I do so in combination with PBM, with the home laser. Let me say one thing: even though I have only had eight home laser treatments, the pain and the fatigue are much, much less. And I have much more energy. Yes, really, I now have a completely different, much more pleasant life!'

Mrs J Gerritsen


‘It is still too early to say that the home laser has completely cured my fibromyalgia, as I have only been using the laser for four weeks. But I have noticed that I have much more energy. Since I have been using the laser, I wake up feeling much more rested in the morning and I am more active during the day. After three years of pain and no real solution, the laser has already made a difference. The pain is less and my energy has greatly improved. This gives me a lot of hope for the future.’



Frequently asked questions about fibromyalgia

What does science say?

According to neuroscientist Prof. Frank L. Rice of the University of New York, impaired blood flow is the cause of muscle pain and other pain stimuli, but also of fatigue. This groundbreaking research was published on 20 May 2014 in the scientific journal Pain Medicine of The American Academy of Pain Medicine. Another article is also available that hypothesises that pH levels play a major role in both fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. The Newton team discovered that an elevated pH in the muscles goes hand in hand with a reduced blood flow in the brain and with a persistent narrowing in the blood vessels and brain.

Low serotonin and tryptophan levels

According to several scientists, fibromyalgia patients appear to have low serotonin and tryptophan levels. Various clinical studies have demonstrated the beneficial effect of 5-HTP on the symptoms of fibromyalgia, reducing pain as well as morning stiffness, restlessness and fatigue.

A serotonin deficiency lowers the pain threshold and is therefore mentioned as a common explanation for pain sensations in diseases such as fibromyalgia. Serotonin is a so-called monoamine neurotransmitter, a chemical in the brain that transmits nerve impulses from cell to cell and sends information to the blood vessels. The chemical name for this neurotransmitter is 5-hydroxytryptamine/5-HT. Other well-known neurotransmitters are adrenaline, dopamine and endorphins.

Serotonin in brain chemistry

This neurotransmitter plays an important role in brain chemistry. Factors such as mood, sleep, behaviour, pain transmission and physical condition depend on it. A shortage of serotonin leads to narrowing of the blood vessels, among other things, but there is also a risk of depression. When serotonin levels are optimal, this leads to better production of endorphins.


Melatonin is produced under the influence of serotonin, and this is an important regulator of the sleep-wake cycle. Research shows that a good serotonin level promotes sleep through improved melatonin synthesis. This is also the reason that IN-light users often report better sleep quality!

Scientific studies


The IN-light Pro is a high-quality wellness product. All products in this category are intended for daily use to support general health. The IN-light Pro does not make direct medical claims because the methodology of red light therapy focuses on the entire body. It is therefore not a treatment for a specific medical condition. The basis for health products is their ability to provide a general well-being benefit or health benefit. A general health benefit is a health-related benefit that is not a treatment for a specific medical condition.

However, scientific evidence and user experiences show that improvements occur when using IN-light for specific conditions.