

Read here how to use the IN-light for your body. With clear explanations and scientific evidence.

What is iPBM with IN-light PRO?

Photobiomodulation (PBM) with IN-light is a non-invasive therapy that uses low-frequency laser light to stimulate cells and promote healing. When applied intranasally, light is passed through the thin mucous membranes in the nose, directly targeting the blood and surrounding tissues but also positively affecting the entire system. This is also known as systemic photobiomodulation. Scientifically, this light activates a number of biological mechanisms that ultimately lead to improved cell and tissue functions. This form of light therapy is growing tremendously worldwide and can be applied completely without risk by anyone.

The core of red light therapy

The core of red light therapy, also called low-level laser, is that it leads to photobiomodulation, to ‘energises living systems’. In the scientific literature, many effects such as biostimulation, tissue regeneration, ‘antimicrobial effect’, immune system strengthening, anti-inflammation and pain relief have been very extensively documented and researched. Indeed, laser light is capable of stimulating and providing vital energy to the biological functions of virtually all cells, tissues and systems. It stimulates the body's self-healing ability and thus your life.

Although this intranasal laser technology is not specifically developed for specific conditions but is a health product, user experiences and scientific articles show why, what and why it works for various specific conditions. And you can read more about that on this page.