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Do you often catch a cold? Not with these 5 tips

Do you often catch a cold? Then you know that there is almost nothing as annoying as a cold that won't go away. Or perhaps your cold keeps coming back, driving you crazy. Fortunately, there are things you can do to treat it. We have tips for your recurring cold.

iemand die vaak verkouden is met zakdoekjes

Why do I catch a cold so often?

It is usually easy to determine the cause of frequent colds. And that is good, because it is no fun to have to spend days sneezing or having a sore throat. Your recurring cold could be caused by any of the following:

  • A weak immune system, for example due to poor nutrition or too little sleep;
  • Frequent contact with others;
  • Dry air that dries out the nasal mucous membranes;
  • Not washing your hands properly;
  • Not recovering well enough after a cold.

All these points actually boil down to a weak immune system. When your immune system is strong, you suffer less from viruses. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to strengthen your immune system, such as with red light therapy.

How many times a year is it normal to have a cold?

Everyone catches a cold now and then. On average, adults catch 2-4 colds a year. How often this is normal also depends on age. Children, for example, are more susceptible to this because they have yet to build up their immunity. If you catch a cold more often than average or even have chronic colds, then it is time to address the cause.

Can a cold become chronic?

A ‘normal’ cold cannot become chronic. This is because it is caused by a temporary virus. Your body clears it up on its own. If your cold persists or you keep catching colds, something else may be going on. Perhaps you suffer from an allergy, chronic sinusitis or rhinitis.

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5 tips against recurring colds

1. Ensure you have a strong immune system

A strong immune system is the most important thing when you want to prevent cold symptoms. Make sure you get enough nutrients such as vitamins C and D. It is also important to get enough sleep and exercise regularly. Another way to support your immune system is through intranasal red light therapy. You can read more about this later.

2. Try to avoid viruses

Although it is of course impossible (and not very pleasant) to avoid infection, you can take certain precautions. For example, wash your hands often, touch your face as little as possible and ventilate your house well.

3. Keep your airways supple

It is important to keep your mucous membranes hydrated and your nasal passages clean. Do this by drinking enough water and possibly using nasal spray with a saline solution. In addition, steaming can help prevent congestion when you have a cold. You could add some eucalyptus oil to the water for this.

4. Avoid stress as much as possible

Stress, especially chronic or long-term stress, lowers your resistance. Therefore, try relaxation techniques to calm your nervous system. Do certain breathing exercises or try to incorporate meditation into your routine.

5. Use red light therapy

Red light therapy can strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation. It is particularly important to use the intranasal form, which spreads red light through the body via the nose. Below you can read more about red light therapy for colds.

Vrouw met rood licht therapie laser in de neus aan tafel

Does red light therapy work against colds?

Yes, red light therapy can help against colds. By regularly using intranasal light therapy, you can improve blood flow, allowing your body to recover from colds faster. It can also reduce inflammation in the airways and boost your immune system. You can also use this form of light therapy preventatively, so that you may be able to avoid catching a cold altogether.

Rood licht therapie laserlampje IN-light laser

Prevent colds with IN-light

With red light therapy from IN-light, you can fight off recurring colds. This form of laser therapy acts directly on the mitochondria. This can strengthen your immune system, give you more energy and help you recover faster from viruses.

Treat your cold wherever and whenever you want

The IN-light laser can be used anywhere. At home on the sofa, in the car, while walking or at work. This means you don't have to make time and you have access to this form of light therapy anywhere. This way you can treat your cold without any effort!