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You can reduce your migraines with these 6 tips

Migraines are an unpleasant neurological condition that many people suffer from. It can manifest itself in different ways and you don't always feel an attack coming on. But what can you do to reduce this condition, or perhaps even prevent it? You can read about it in this article.

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What are the symptoms of a migraine?

This disorder can occur in various forms. Some people suffer from migraines with aura, and others even have migraines without a headache. However, there are many symptoms that often occur with this neurological disorder:

  • Headaches, from throbbing pain to stabbing pain on one side of the head;
  • Nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite;
  • Hypersensitivity to stimuli such as sound, light and odours;
  • Aura, for example flashes of light, tingling or blurred vision;
  • Fatigue;
  • Problems concentrating;
  • Stiff neck and muscles.

A migraine attack often proceeds in four phases, but not everyone notices them all. It often starts with warning signals, then an aura phase, the headache phase and then recovery. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce this, such as with intranasal red light therapy.

What causes migraines?

Migraine is a complicated neurological disorder. The exact cause is unknown, but scientists believe it is caused by a combination of genetic, neurological and environmental factors.

What triggers migraines?

This condition can be triggered by various factors. These are a number of migraine triggers:

  • Disturbances in brain activity;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Hormonal fluctuations, such as during menstruation;
  • Poor nutrition, such as too much caffeine or alcohol;
  • Stress and sleep deprivation;
  • And more internal and external factors.

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to treat the condition. Read on for some great tips!

6 tips to reduce migraine symptoms

1. Maintain a regular sleep pattern.

Too little sleep, but also too much sleep, can cause a migraine attack. Therefore, try to establish a routine where you go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Also avoid blue light from screens before going to sleep to keep your hormones in balance.

2. Watch your diet

Certain foods such as caffeine, chocolate, aged cheese and alcohol can trigger an attack. In addition, eating irregularly can also be a trigger due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Also make sure to drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

3. Make sure there is enough relaxation

Stress is one of the biggest culprits for migraines. Therefore, try to relax enough and make use of breathing exercises or meditation.

4. Avoid possible incentives

People with migraines are often hypersensitive to bright light, loud noises or intense odours. Therefore, try not to look at a screen for too long and avoid listening to loud music.

5. Ensure a good attitude

Sitting with poor posture can cause tension in the neck and shoulders. This can be a major trigger that can provoke an attack. Make sure you have an ergonomic workstation and take regular breaks to stretch.

6. Use red light therapy

Red light therapy is a method that is becoming increasingly well known among migraine sufferers. This form of light therapy can treat migraines in both the short and long term. It does this by improving blood flow, recharging the mitochondria and regulating hormones. This involves intranasal red light therapy, which is administered through the nose.

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Does red light therapy work for migraines?

Yes, red light therapy is a good treatment for migraines. It has various benefits that can be applied in both the short and long term. This makes it possible to treat or even prevent specific migraine symptoms. These are some of the benefits of red light therapy for this neurological disorder:

  • Reduce overstimulation;
  • Improve blood flow;
  • Reduce muscle tension and oxygen deficiency;
  • Regulate melatonin and serotonin;
  • Improve overall health.
Rood licht therapie laserlampje IN-light laser

Treat migraines with IN-light

With red light therapy from IN-light, it is possible to treat or even prevent migraines. This form of laser therapy acts directly on the mitochondria. This allows you to directly address the cause of this condition.

Start a session wherever and whenever you want

The IN-light laser can be used anywhere. In the car, on the sofa or at work. It can also be used the moment you feel a migraine attack coming on. That way you are always prepared!