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These 5 tips will help you avoid winter blues

Think you're suffering from winter blues? That's not surprising, as the dark days can affect your energy and mood well. Fortunately, there are ways to counteract this dip. Wondering how to do this? Then read on quickly.

Vrouw ligt op de bank

What is a winter dip?

With winter blues, as you might guess, you literally suffer from a dip in winter. You feel tired, dejected and you might even have depressive symptoms. In fact, in some people this can even spill over into winter depression.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to treat or even prevent winter blues. For instance, with this special light therapy. Other tips can be found a bit further on.

What are the symptoms of winter blues?

The symptoms of this dip are different for everyone. One person suffers a lot, while someone else may have very mild symptoms. Are you curious to know if you also suffer from this this winter? These are common symptoms:

  • Being tired mentally and physically;
  • Gloom;
  • Sleeping a lot;
  • Being tired but unable to sleep;
  • Feeling like eating unhealthy food;
  • Feeling less like socialising;
  • Not wanting to go out.

Do you recognise yourself in this? Then read on to learn how you can fight the winter blues.

Pantoffels op de bank winterdip

What can be done about winter blues?

1. Make sure you consume enough daylight

A major cause of winter blues is a lack of daylight. Therefore, go outside at least once every day. A short walk is often enough! Is the weather bad? Then a daylight lamp or red light therapy can also be a good substitute.

2. Move enough

When you have a dip or winter depression, you often lack endorphins. Get enough exercise to release these happy hormones. Choose a sport that makes you happy to improve your mood.

3. Eat healthy

With a winter dip, you also tend to be deficient in vitamin D. Therefore, eat enough foods that contain this vitamin. In addition, avoid snacks high in sugar to avoid causing lows in your energy levels.

4. Establish a motivating routine

Create a routine for yourself that makes you happy. That way, you can easily regulate your biological clock. Also schedule enough time for fun things, such as a hobby, a date with friends or just an evening on the couch.

5. Make use of red light therapy

Want a lamp against the winter dip? Then you quickly think of a daylight lamp. But did you know that red light therapy is actually much better for you? It treats your whole body, preferably all year round, making you more balanced. This might even allow you to skip the winter blues altogether.

Vrouw met rood licht therapie laser in de neus aan tafel

Does red light therapy work against winter blues?

Yes, red light therapy treats all the causes of winter blues. It ensures that your energy levels remain or become high. It also stimulates the production of melatonin and serotonin, which are exactly the hormones that make you suffer from this dip, or even from winter depression. For this, it is important to use intranasal red light therapy, like this fine laser from IN-light. Here's what red light therapy can do for you:

  • More energy;
  • Higher ability to concentrate;
  • Less stress and better sleep quality;
  • Lowering stress hormones;
  • Feeling mentally and physically fitter;
  • And more!

By using intranasal red light therapy, it is possible to treat, or even prevent, winter blues.

Rood licht therapie laserlampje IN-light laser

Fight the winter dip with IN-light

With red light therapy from IN-light, you can get through the winter months lighter. This form of light therapy acts directly on your body's cells. This allows hormones such as melatonin and serotonin to rebalance, or stay in balance. The result is more energy, a better mood, stronger resistance and in short: no winter blues!

Treat your dip where and when you want

The IN-light laser can be used anywhere. At home on the couch, in the car or while at work. So you don't have to take time off and you can access this form of light therapy anywhere. Ideal for when you want to make the dark days a little brighter!